Thursday, October 23, 2008

Peter's follow-up

Peter went for a checkup with his cardiologist today. His blood pressure still drops between 140/80 (resting) and 80/50 (standing), which results in the dizzy spells. This is still not acceptable so the Doctor has increased the dosage of his blood pressure medication. Peter also has to constantly wear stretch stockings (VERY tight) to assist the blood flow back up to the heart. The Doctor has said that he does not want to consider doing the pacemaker unless it is absolutely necessary, that is, he wants to take the less invasive route if possible. So, for now we are back into the "wait and see" mode. He is still continuing on the antibiotics as his infection has not cleared up completely. During one of Peter's numerous falls (about 3 weeks ago), he injured his shoulder. This injury is still bothering Peter and he has lost a lot of strength and movement in the arm. We now need to take him to see a sports injury specialist who hopefully will be able to find what has caused the problem. Other than all of that he seems to be improving ... gradually ...(said with guarded trepidation!)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Watch this space!

As I mentioned before, the Cardiologist will not do the pacemaker procedure until Peter is completely infection free. His infection still has not cleared up as quick as we had hoped. So believe it or not, Peter has been discharged ... that's right, again! Can you see the sense in being transferred by ambulance from one hospital to another, just so that he can be discharged. If you understand then please explain it to me? Anyway, he has to see the Doctor again on Thursday to see if the infection is improving. So, as they say in the classics ... Watch this space! Or, to coin Peter's favorite phrase, this is driving us "Uncle Willy"

Monday, October 20, 2008

Now in Medical ICU

Yesterday, Peter was transferred by ambulance from Milnerton Medi-clinic back to Vincent Pallotti Hospital. He is now in their Medical ICU section. His Cardiologist has decided to insert a pacemaker to help regulate Peter's heart rate. At the moment he has a slight infection from the initial operation. They cannot perform the procedure until he is infection free, so they cannot tell us exactly when the pacemaker will be fitted. I will keep you all updated as soon as we hear when it will be done.