Wednesday, October 8, 2008


"Why...?" is what Peter asked me tonight. "Why did it take them so long to find out what was wrong?" "Why was there no communication between my doctors?" "Why did I have to go through all of that?" How can you answer those questions? In the past fifty four days he has been referred from his GP to a Specialist Physician to a Neurosurgeon to a Cardiologist to a Cardio Surgeon and back again to his Cardiologist. Yet they don't seem to keep each other informed on their patient's progress or problems ... Why? Ronnie took Peter back to his GP today to see what could be done about his arm injury (the one that he got when he collapsed on Saturday). Peter asked his GP this very same question ... his GP also couldn't answer him! In today's day and age of instant information sharing and communication technology how hard can it be? I want to scream at someone (to put it mildly) but where to start ... that's the question?

At Last!

It’s as if someone has flicked a switch and … Voila … Peter is back on track and finally on the road to recovery. He was discharged late yesterday afternoon but we were very skeptical and wondered how it could be possible for him to improve in such a short time frame … especially considering all that has happened lately. He has been taken off all the medication and was rehydrated (on a drip) for 24hours and miraculously he is feeling much better

Monday, October 6, 2008

Re-admitted to ICU

Yes, unfortunately Peter is back in hospital. He has been collapsing frequently and on many occasions gets a bruise or scratch in the fall. Yesterday morning, he hurt his neck and arm in another fall but refused to let us take him to hospital. When he fell again this morning he agreed to be taken to casualty at Milnerton Medi-Clinic. His cardiologist was called and he has admitted Peter to ICU... again! The initial prognosis is that his blood pressure is unstable but the reason is unknown. He has been taken off all his medication, put onto a drip again and will be monitored in ICU for the next few days.